That's what I said

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mother's Day

Well, my mothers day was good....

Spent the morning with my mother in law - breakfast and the flea market.
Came home, laid around - which if you know me is completely fine!
Went to dinner with my mom, gave her a fabulous mother's ring!
Half way through the day...Lilly says "Gosh, when is mother's day going to be over!"



  • At May 16, 2006 7:51 PM, Blogger Nichole said…

    That's my lil' lilly bug! LoL I would have loved to lay around too!

  • At May 18, 2006 6:40 PM, Blogger Violet said…

    huh? a new blog post from mindy? have i entered the twilight zone?

    now, listen - you should know that if a holiday doesn't revolve around lilly, then seriously, it really isn't worth celebrating... duh!

  • At May 26, 2006 9:24 PM, Blogger Dr. Mike said…

    Leave it to Lilly...

    Sounds like a good revamp on an old show, eh Wally?


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