That's what I said

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Porcupines - Duh!

On the way to my mom's last night - mine and lilly's conversation:

L: Mommy, can I swim with my ducky floaty
M: Well, maybe - I think it has a hole in it
L: Ah....Porcupines
M: (stunned)
L: You know...they are very pointy
M: Well, I'm pretty sure that meemaw doesn't have Porcupines in her garage.
L: Duh mom - they're outside!


  • At June 15, 2006 7:59 PM, Blogger Violet said…

    where the hell does that connection come from? how funny!!!

  • At June 16, 2006 10:31 AM, Blogger Nichole said…

    She's definitely her mother's daughter. That's all I gotta say bout that.

  • At July 07, 2006 7:48 AM, Blogger Jen said…

    Hey Mindy......Lilly is just adorable!!! I love the pics, and holy cow does she keep you on your toes or WHAT????? You don't need 4 boys!!! One Lilly is enough I think..... :) See ya when Paula pops out Ella....


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